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S01E21 7


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

- What are you... What is this...
- Uh-uh. Wait till it goes off.
- [Timer rings]
- All right. I'm coming in.

[Gasps] Oh, my God!

You want fantasy? I give you fantasy.


Come to me, woman,
and prepare to be boarded.

Please, will you make it fast?
These things are just chafing.

I uh... I kinda like it.

Good. Kill the lights.

- No.
- Please.

- Not turning off the lights.
- Please.

No, no, no.

[Growls and purrs]

- [Knocking]
- It's open.

Oh, Paul, it's you. I'm so glad. I have
some papers I want you to look at.

- Where's my son?
- Upstairs.

Sleeping off those tranquilizers
you gave him.

I don't know what you're doing
but I'm taking my son.

I am not my sister, Paul.
You do not want to screw with me.

Martha kept a journal.

Every drab event of her drab life
meticulously documented.

Including her discovery
that you and your wife stole a baby.

A baby named Dana.

I'm sorry if the copies
are hard to read.

I hid the originals in a safe place.

It seemed like a reasonable precaution,
since you murdered Martha and all.

Would you like a cookie?

Suit yourself.

I have a little proposition for you.

These are the fantasies of a bored,
Ionely woman. They prove nothing.

The only reason
the police haven't caught you yet

is because they have
no reason to suspect you.

But once they found that Martha was
blackmailing Ange, sorry, Mary Alice...

- What is it you want?
- The same thing you want.

For you to leave town,
change your name,

and start your life over again
somewhere far away from here.

If you're so sure,
why don't you just turn me in?

Because Zach would never forgive me.

And it's important
that we be on good terms,

seeing as how
he's going to be living with me now.

- What?
- Your bags are packed.

You're about to become a fugitive.
Is that the life you want for your son?

The two of you spending every night
in a different town?

No. You're a better father than that.

I can't just leave him.

You stole him
so that he could have a better life.

That was a noble act, Paul. Truly.

And it's time for you to be noble again.

Can I at least say goodbye?

Did you allow me
to say goodbye to Martha?

Oh, hi. I'm looking for Kendra Taylor.

I'm sorry. You're gonna have to leave.

Oh. Oh, you don't understand.

See, I can't just drive away.

- Please get back in the car.
- Look um... Bob.

- Let me try to explain.
- In the car.

See, the thing is,
this is maybe my last chance

to find out
if I can be with the man I love.

- Ma'am...
- And, Bob,

I can't begin to tell you
how much that means to me.

So I'm gonna walk up to that house
and you're gonna let me.

And you know why?

Because behind that badge and that big,
you-could-crush-me-like-a-fly chest,

there's a heart.

A heart that believes in love.

- Just get in the damn car.
- It's not my fault you don't have love.

- Susan?
- Hi, Kendra.

And despite all that's been
laid out in front of me,

I can't help thinking
there's more to the story.

- Does it sound stupid?
- No, no, of course not.


damn [dæm] n. 一点;诅咒 vt. 谴责;罚…下地狱 adj. 可恶的 adv. 非常 vi. 谴责 int. 讨厌 {cet6 ky gre :4414}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

bored [bɔ:d] v. 使厌烦(bore的过去式);烦扰 adj. 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的 {gk :4569}

screw [skru:] n. 螺旋;螺丝钉;吝啬鬼 vt. 旋,拧;压榨;强迫 vi. 转动,拧 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4750}

noble [ˈnəʊbl] adj. 高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的 n. 贵族 vt. 抓住;逮捕 n. (Noble)人名;(英、法、意)诺布尔;(西)诺夫莱;(阿拉伯)努布莱 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4808}

gasps [ɡɑ:sps] v. 喘气( gasp的第三人称单数 ); 喘息; 倒抽气; 很想要 { :5196}

goodbye [ˌgʊdˈbaɪ] int. 再见 放弃 告别 {zk :5578}

precaution [prɪˈkɔ:ʃn] n. 预防,警惕;预防措施 vt. 警惕;预先警告 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :5945}

badge [bædʒ] n. 徽章;证章;标记 vt. 授给…徽章 {cet6 ky ielts gre :6357}

Martha ['mɑ:θә] n. 玛莎(女子名);马大(马利亚和拉撒路之姊) { :6788}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

dana ['deinə] n. 美国德纳(美国汽车公司) { :7508}

growls [ɡraulz] v. (动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的第三人称单数 ); 低声咆哮着说 { :8237}

fugitive [ˈfju:dʒətɪv] n. 逃亡者;难捕捉之物 adj. 逃亡的;无常的;易变的 { :8729}

kinda [ 'kaɪndə] adv. 有一点;有几分 n. (Kinda)人名;(匈)金道;(捷)金达 { :9840}

timer [ˈtaɪmə(r)] n. [电子] 定时器;计时器;计时员,记时员;跑表;延时调节器 { :11074}

drab [dræb] n. 浅褐色;无生气;邋遢;小额 adj. 单调的;土褐色的 vt. 使无生气 vi. 嫖妓 n. (Drab)人名;(匈)德劳布;(法)德拉布 {gre :11332}

meticulously [mə'tɪkjələslɪ] adv. 细致地;一丝不苟地;拘泥地 {toefl :11911}

blackmailing [b'lækmeɪlɪŋ] v. 胁迫,尤指以透露他人不体面行为相威胁以勒索钱财( blackmail的现在分词 ) { :11953}

purrs [pɜ:z] v. (猫在高兴时)发咕噜声( purr的第三人称单数 ); (人)用轻快的轻声表示满意; 用柔音表示[说出] { :15543}

chafing ['tʃeɪfɪŋ] n. 皮肤发炎;磨损 v. 擦热;使磨损;激怒(chafe的ing形式) adj. 摩擦的;防擦的 { :15894}

tranquilizers ['træŋkwɪlaɪzə] n. 镇定剂;使镇定的人或物 { :17641}

ange ['ændʒ] [医]怒 { :31237}

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

kendra [ ] [人名] 肯德拉

uh-uh [ˈʌ ʌ] int. 哼

a cookie [ ] [网络] 曲奇饼干;饼干;小点心

forgive me [fəˈɡiv mi:] [网络] 原谅我;请原谅我;宽恕我

never forgive [ ] [网络] 永远不原谅;无法原谅;妻子的诱惑

say goodbye [ ] [网络] 说再见;道别;告别

say goodbye to [sei ˌɡudˈbai tu:] [网络] 告别;和……说再见;向……道别

screw with [ ] [网络] 蒙人;详细

suit yourself [sju:t jɔ:ˈself] na. 随意;〈口〉随你便 [网络] 随你的便;随便你;随你高兴

to suspect [ ] [网络] 怀疑;心疑;嫌疑

wait till [weit til] [网络] 等到……时候

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用